My coaching commitment to you
People are happy to employ personal trainers for their fitness or to become more proficient at their sport. Consider me a personal trainer for the mind with quicker and longer-lasting results than a series of workouts.
People are my passion
The World Health Organisation predicted that Mental Health would be the number 1 killer by 2020. Sadly, this became accurate one year earlier in 2019. The onslaught of a worldwide pandemic, while giving this sombre statistic a run for its money, also exacerbated the problem.
I always believe there has to be a purpose to life. In fact, research shows us that when we know our purpose we have more vitality in our lives – purpose is our vitality.
I love helping people to achieve their goals so they can live their life as they intend it and with good purpose. With over 20 years of experience in managing, coaching and mentoring people I absolutely practise what I preach. I wholeheartedly believe that everyone has the resources and answers to achieve their own personal resolution within themselves. I am the pleasant conduit to that self-discovery.
I complete Professional Development every year to ensure I continue learning and provide you with simple and resourceful ways for change. This is also a constantly changing world with so much research so it is important to keep up to date with learning.
My qualifications
- Certified Life Coach
- Master Practitioner in Neuro-Linguistic Programming
- Master mBraining Coach
- Master Practitioner of Timeline Therapy
- Diploma in Clinical and Advanced Hypnotherapy
- Practitioner Coach of Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Hypnosis
- Practitioner in Hypno Gastric Band weight loss
- Practitioner in Hypnoabundance
- Certified International Neuro-Linguistic Programming Trainer
- Certified mBIT Coach Trainer

Australia and New Zealand Coaching Alliance (ANZCAL)
Because I am passionate about people, and about making a difference in this ever-changing world, I teach hypnotherapy, life coaching, NLP, mBraining and a variety of other courses.
In 2017 I, together with Paul Walmsley, created the Australia and New Zealand Coaching Alliance (ANZCAL). This is a New Zealand based coaching accreditation and mentoring business for people in New Zealand, Australia and our close surrounds to be a part of.

When you choose me as your guide to change
I know you will find me compassionate and focused on helping you to achieve what you desire; after all life is for living.
At times I will challenge your thinking. I will encourage you to be curious about where you are at in this point in time, identify the “where to from here”, and then together, explore and set upon a new direction for life fulfilment. Be prepared for some simple home play – while I am 100% dedicated to your development; you are 100% responsible for the results you attain.
If you want to make a change, take life to a whole new level and really get the most out of each 24 hours of every day then get in touch.
10 reasons why you might choose me as your coach
- I listen. We all like to be heard. I don’t judge, I listen.
- I want you to be free. I help you find your resources and your answers. This gives you resources for a lifetime not just during coaching.
- I provide a safe space for you to be yourself and explore your challenges freely.
- I am open, flexible and agile when coaching.
- I am comfortable in discussing uncomfortable topics and I will ask the hard questions
- I work with you for the outcomes you desire.
- I walk my talk and ask nothing of you that I would not be prepared to do myself.
- I practice self-reflection so I keep growing as a Coach
- I am authentic and integrous. Integrity is very important to me.
- All sessions are focussed on you and your outcomes. There are no set amount of sessions to a rigorous plan, I respond to what you want to work on.
Me, Christine
The story behind the coach
I enjoy being active and feeling exhilarated. I make sure I have fun and laugh every day. I love challenging myself and setting goals that require discipline to achieve – no I don’t think I am particularly disciplined; this is part of the challenge!
I love helping people to achieve their goals so they can live their life as they intend it and with good purpose. With over 20 years’ experience in managing, coaching and mentoring people I absolutely practise what I preach. I wholeheartedly believe that everyone has the resources and answers to achieve their own personal resolution within themselves. I am the pleasant conduit to that self-discovery.
I have a rescue dog, Haesel who is an integral part of my day. Haesel reminds me of the challenges we all face in life as she has high anxiety about the world around her. I enjoy walking, sewing, gardening, fishing and of course spending time with family.
Sally Koch said “great opportunities to help others seldom come, but small ones surround us every day” so acts of kindness and philanthropy are important to me. Each year I contribute financially to charity and offer my professional services to people in need.
Charities donated include:

I contribute to private causes on Give A Little to help with treatment of rare types of cancer, a cause dear to the family’s heart. As well as this each year I provide accessible coaching to those who cannot afford these services and spend many hours happily mentoring future coaches and hypnotherapists both privately and via ANZCAL.